If you ever have any queries with regard to your web hosting plan or if you face a problem with your sites, you will have to touch base with the web hosting provider’s customer support team. It may not matter how quickly they will answer when you have a question of a general nature, but an issue like an unsuccessful software application update, for example, may lead to your website becoming broken or unavailable on the web. And the longer you have to wait for the support team to lend a helping hand, the longer the website will be inoperative. In case you offer goods or services online, any outage will affect your site negatively and you may lose current or potential clients. A lot of web hosting providers, mainly resellers, reply to e-mails and tickets within twenty four hours, but in the Internet era that’s way too long, as customers will hardly ever return to a website that isn’t working properly over a prolonged time interval.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Cloud Hosting
In case you are using one of our Linux cloud hosting packages and you’ve got a query or run into some challenge, you can get in touch with us 24-7 by opening a ticket or by sending an e-mail and we promise that you will get a response in less than one hour. If the issue can be resolved, we will do it before we reply to you, while if there’s something that you have to do on your end, we will give you all the required info – what workable solutions to try out, what settings to check, and so on. Normally, you’ll get a reply within half an hour max, so waiting for hours and hours or even for more than 1 day to get help is something out of the question. Our sixty-minute response time guarantee applies to any query that you may have – billing, general or technical.