Domain backorder is a service provided by ICANN-approved companies and it is the most effective way to acquire a good domain that was owned by a third party and was left to expire. When the registration period of a domain is over, the aforementioned becomes inactive, however it is not deleted instantly. Instead, the owner has 2 months to renew it. In case this doesn't happen, the domain name enters a deletion period which continues about five days and subsequently it is deleted, so everyone could register it. The backorder service will enable you to make an order for such a domain with a registrar company and they will make an effort to register it instantly right after it's available. This way, you can get an easy to remember and eye-catching domain for your Internet site and although these domains are registered on a first -come, first-serve basis and there's no warranty that you'll get the wanted domain, using a computerized system gives you a better chance than if you keep checking if the domain is erased and attempt to get it manually.